The Beroni Group (“Beroni”) has entered into a strategic partnership with the University of New South Wales (“UNSW”) when both parties successfully signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the 8th June 2017. Mr. Boqing Zhang, Chairman of the Board of Beroni, and Mr. Warwick Dawson, Director of UNSW, attended the signing ceremony. Beroni and UNSW have agreed to cooperate in carrying out research and development initiatives in the fields of bio-technology and bio-medicine, with the aim of converting Australia’s advanced science and technology expertise into practical health products thereby improving the human health.

Since its successful listing in May 2017, Beroni has been approached by various business partners seeking to work together on research and development projects. Mr. Zhang said, “the listing is not the end of the journey for us, but a new starting point”. Since it was founded, Beroni has been focusing on related development cooperation in the global markets. The cooperation with UNSW is another milestone in its global development journey. Mr. Zhang said that the new funds raised from the company’s listing in Australia will be used to invest in bio-technology R&D and also to coordinate and integrate global technology resources to improve its R&D capability.

After its listing, Beroni has been actively exploring potential merger and acquisition opportunities in its domestic market as well as the international market. Beroni will strive to establish itself as a global player in the field of bio-technology and environmental protection.
At the end of the signing ceremony, Mr. Dawson gave a bottle of wine and a UNSW t-shirt to Mr. Boqing Zhang. In return, Mr. Zhang gave a Chinese traditional porcelain souvenir to Mr. Dawson. The ceremony ended cordially with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Dawson taking a group photo with the rest of the Beroni team.