On 23th August, Ms Lizhu Zhang, Vice Chairwoman of Tianjin Association for Science and Technology (TAST), and two representatives from TAST visited Beroni’s China headquarters in Tianjin for a technical survey. Representatives from TAST and Beroni Group exchanged ideas on how to apply Academician Experts Workstation for Beroni Group, as well as on the development of key talents.
Mr. Jacky Zhang Executive Chairman of Beroni Group introduced Beroni Group to the guests from TAST and shared with them the company’s international development strategy, scientific and technological resources, research scientists and capital markets.

Vice Chairwoman of TAST, Ms Zhang expressed her affirmation on the development of Beroni Group, and presented a detailed introduction of technology services of TAST and their functions. She also offered her feasibility advice on Beroni Group’s project applications. After all-round review of Beroni Group, the TAST leaders acknowledged Beroni’s ability of applying Academician Experts Workstation. The staff of TAST will help Beroni undergo applications according to relevant provisions and requirements of the project.

The seminar was attended by Ms Lizhu Zhang, Vice Chairwoman of Tianjin Association for Science and Technology (TAST), Mr. Wei Zhao, Director of Development Service Center, Mr. Yifu Zhang from Enterprise Vision, Mr. Jacky Zhang, Executive Chairman of Beroni Group, Mr. Jian Fang, Senior Consultant of Beroni Group for Strategic Development, and senior management from Beroni Group.
TAST is the main driving force to advance development of science and technology industry in Tianjin and offers its support to transform the technological results of enterprises so as to help them develop creative abilities. After the friendly meeting between two sides, Beroni Group plans to apply for the Academician Experts Workstation, and prepare the selection of professional technical title for science researchers in the Group.