You are currently viewing 贝罗尼集团于澳大利亚悉尼敲钟上市


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      2017年5月12日,贝罗尼集团于澳大利亚悉尼隆重举行了贝罗尼集团IPO上市敲钟仪式。至此,作为中国第一家赴澳上市的生物科技企业,贝罗尼将迈进崭新时代。贝罗尼集团董事局主席张伯清先生、澳大利亚国家证券交易所(NSX)总裁Ann Bowering澳大利亚国家证券交易所(NSX)执行总裁John Williams 、香港展腾投资集团执行董事Tina女士、副总裁丹尼斯先生、澳大利亚中华情国际商会会长张宪舫先生、贝罗尼集团澳洲独立董事Peter先生以及集团的股东和高管团队等均出席了敲钟仪式,共同见证这一里程碑式的重要时刻。

Picture of Beroni’s Board贝罗尼集团董事局主席张伯清先生以及董事局成员和NSX总裁合影 of Directors and Leaders of NSX



“We started from a Nicobloc liquid which is the newest global smoking control and smoking cessation product, and develop into China’s first biotechnology enterprise listing in Australia. Until today, this road is full of difficulties and hardships, but we did it!China and Australia are in the same longitude in the northern and southern hemispheres. Since China and Australia signed a free trade agreement in 2015, the relationship of these two countries have welcomed the best time in history. Beroni will strongly promote the China-Australian trade, technology development, and project cooperation. In addition to that, we have a terrific opportunity to position Australia as one of the leading financial markets in the world. We’d like to target the international capital market to build a global platform for resource integration, and keep the rapid development of sustained internationalization.I sincerely hope that more and more people could join us, join the career of human health, to write a brilliant chapter in the health industry.” (中文翻译稿:贝罗尼集团从新一代控烟产品Nicobloc液起家,发展成了中国第一家在澳洲上市的生物科技型公司。尽管上市之路充满艰难险阻,直至今日,我们终于完成了这个目标!中国和澳洲分列南北半球,处于同一经度。自从2015年中澳签订了自由贸易协议以来,两国的友谊达到了历史最巅峰。贝罗尼集团将会大力促进中澳双方的贸易、科技发展和项目合作。现在对我们来说是一个绝好的时机,把澳洲作为世界领先的金融市场之一。我们的目标是借助国际资本市场来打造一个资源整合的全球平台,促进全球化的持续快速发展。我衷心希望能有越来越多的人加入我们,加入到造福人类健康的事业中来为健康产业书写下更好的篇章。)

贝罗尼集团董事局主席张伯清先生回赠NSX总裁Ann Bowering女士一幅具有中国特色的杨柳青传统年画《连年有鱼》
贝罗尼集团董事局主席张伯清先生回赠NSX总裁Ann Bowering女士一幅具有中国特色的杨柳青传统年画《连年有鱼》

